Our Mission
Our Beef
100% Angus Beef
Never Ever any Antibiotics nor Growth Hormones
We came to Powhatan, Arkansas in 1998 looking to establish a cattle farm here where the Delta meets the Ozarks. We had years of experience with commerical cattle up north but decided to venture into Registered Angus Breed when establishing this herd here in Arkansas. The best decision we ever made!
We are dedicated to breeding performance cattle that are easy fleshing, long lasting, with balanced EPDs that also have the eye appeal for the show ring. We also take special consideration of our females to provide superior milk and mothering traits without the need for extra care to maintain body condition.
Bulls are carefully selected to enter our potential sires pasture. We cull any bull not weighing at least 600 pounds at adj. 205 days of age. Bulls are again culled if they weigh less then 1000 lbs at yearling. We keep our bulls on larger pastures so they are ready for the commercial man's cows.
Lastly, we continue to improve our base herd through the use of Artificial Insemination and careful selection of sires considering carcass traits, EPDs and eye appeal.
We invite you to view a small sample of our young and breeding age sires and females by clicking the associated tabs. The most important part is cattle are the best source of protien on the planet and our beef is 100% antibiotic free and never ever use any growth hormones, we offer 100% Angus Beef for sale, Bred, Born and Raised on our farm, check out our Beef tab for that = ). * AI sires such as Basin Jamison, FHCC Majority, Connealy Commerce & of course the best one LakeView Perfect 905* Certified Brucellosis Free Herd #ARB27-HC* Satisfaction Guaranteed* AHIR data and DNA on all* We also Support and sell Cattle at the Northeast Arkansas Angus Association Sales on the third Saturday in March and November at Charlotte, AR.
Lastly, we continue to improve our base herd through the use of Artificial Insemination and careful selection of sires considering carcass traits, EPDs and eye appeal.
We invite you to view a small sample of our young and breeding age sires and females by clicking the associated tabs. The most important part is cattle are the best source of protien on the planet and our beef is 100% antibiotic free and never ever use any growth hormones, we offer 100% Angus Beef for sale, Bred, Born and Raised on our farm, check out our Beef tab for that = ). * AI sires such as Basin Jamison, FHCC Majority, Connealy Commerce & of course the best one LakeView Perfect 905* Certified Brucellosis Free Herd #ARB27-HC* Satisfaction Guaranteed* AHIR data and DNA on all* We also Support and sell Cattle at the Northeast Arkansas Angus Association Sales on the third Saturday in March and November at Charlotte, AR.